Show Images in Lightning Datatable in LWC

sometimes, we need to show images(like logos, or any king of images) in lighting datatable. But lightning data table doesn't support OOTB. but we can extend lightning datatable and we can implement our own image template to show in table. here is how we did. 


Also Read: Using images in LWC

Extend Lightning Datatable for Image Type


First, we need to create one lightning web component for our custom lightning datatable. 
here, we have create a lwc component with name of : customDatatableForimage. you can name it anything.

Step: 2

Inside this newly created component, Create a new file html type file for our image data type template.
To create new file, right click on your lwc component and  select New file.... option
<img class="slds-align_absolute-center" src={typeAttributes.imageUrl} title={typeAttributes.imageTitle}/>


we need to import our imagetypeColumn.html file and lightning datatable.
import LightningDatatable from 'lightning/datatable';
import imageTypeColumn from './imageTypeColumn.html';
then extend the class and define custom type with our image template and it's properties.  we will these properties values from another component. 
export default class CustomDatatableForImage extends LightningDatatable {
    static customTypes ={
        imageColumn: {
            template: imageTypeColumn,
            standardCellLayout: false,
            typeAttributes: ['imageUrl', 'imageTitle']




import LightningDatatable from 'lightning/datatable';
import imageTypeColumn from './imageTypeColumn.html';

export default class CustomDatatableForImage extends LightningDatatable {
    static customTypes ={
        imageColumn: {
            template: imageTypeColumn,
            standardCellLayout: false,
            typeAttributes: ['imageUrl', 'imageTitle']


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="">


    <img class="slds-align_absolute-center" src={typeAttributes.imageUrl} title={typeAttributes.imageTitle}/>

Use Custom Lightning Datatable for Image

Now here, we will see how to use above created custom datatable to show image in table columns.
this is our component to show data with images in table. 




import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';
import IndusindLogo from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/IndusindLogo';
import asianPaintsLogo from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/asianPaintsLogo';
import SalesforceLogo from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/SalesforceLogo';
// table columns 
const COLUMNS = [
        label: 'Logo',  
        type: 'imageColumn',
        typeAttributes: {
            imageUrl: { fieldName: 'imageUrl'},
            imageTitle: { fieldName: 'imageTitle'}
    { label: 'Name', fieldName: 'name' , type: 'string'},
    { label: 'Website', fieldName: 'website', type: 'url' }

export default class ImageColumnDatatable extends LightningElement {
    tableColumns = COLUMNS;
    // sample data
    tableData = [
        {id:101, imageUrl: SalesforceLogo, imageTitle:'salesforce', name: 'salesforce', website:''},
        {id:102, imageUrl: asianPaintsLogo, imageTitle:'Asian Paints', name: 'Asian Paints Ltd', website:''},
        {id:103, imageUrl: IndusindLogo, imageTitle:'IndusInd Bank', name: 'IndusInd Bank Ltd', website:''}


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="">
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