Single line if-else statements in apex

some times, for simple if else conditions, we can write one line if-else statements to add more readability for your apex code.

Single line if else: 

// multi line if else
string countryCode;
String country= 'Australia';

if(country =='India'){
    countryCode = 'IN';
    countryCode = 'OTHER';

// now in single line if-else
countryCode = (country =='India') ? 'IN': 'OTHER';

Complex single line if else

// multi line if else
string countryCode;
String country= 'Australia';

if(country =='India'){
    countryCode = 'IN';
}else if(country =='Australia'){
    countryCode = 'AUS';
    countryCode = 'OTHER';


// now in single line if-else
countryCode = (country =='India') ? 'IN': (country =='Australia')? 'AUS' : 'OTHER';
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